Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC WDS)

Skills for Care and West Midlands Care Association are dedicated to developing the adult social care workforce. This includes increasing our understanding of the collective workforce, so that we can provide targeted support and to help Local Authorities inform and guide planning and commissioning.

Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS)
Skills For Care are keen to increase the coverage of the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set(ASC-WDS) and the uptake of the Workforce Development Fund (WDF). We are working with them to help achieve these goals.

What are the benefits of ASC-WDS?
The Workforce Development Fund (WDF) is funding from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) disseminated by Skills for Care.
The fund allows you to claim back money towards the costs of workers completing a broad range of adult social care qualifications, learning programmes and digital learning modules. To be eligible for WDF, you must have an up to date ASC-WDS account, with certain workforce and staff records completed.

Your ASC-WDS account will also give you access to funded training via the Essential training programmes. There are three packages of learning available’ rapid induction, refresher training and volunteer programme.

The system provides safe and free storage of staff records and can help you to manage your training records. You can benchmark your workplace against other providers in your area, for metrics like pay, turnover rates or staff sickness. You’ll also get the new Skills for Care Benefits Bundle offer with discounts across their products and services.

Sharing data to influence long term planning for Adult Social Care
By adding your data to ASC-WDS, central and local government can be more aware of business and workforce needs in the area, and can target training events, funding information, advice and guidance and workforce planning regionally, sub regionally and locally. Your data will remain anonymous unless you opt in to share specific information.


The data collected is different to that collected on the Capacity Tracker and focusses more on long term workforce needs and planning. The higher levels of valid and reliable workforce data provided by the ASC-WDS will help us to ensure we have a more comprehensive picture of the local adult social care sector.

Where do I start?
You can create an account at All you need is an email address and your location postcode (or CQC location code)


Further help 

You can also find out more about ASC-WDS on Skills for Care's webite at

If you need help accessing your account or getting set up, contact Skills for Cares friendly support team You can contact them via phone or email:

T. 0113 241 0969


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